Getting Married in the Bahamas
Want to say "I do" in paradise?
Here is how:
- You both must spend one day in Bahamas prior
to submitting your application for a marriage license.
- Fill out application for license at registers
- Pay nominal fee of $120.00, for license which includes a certified copy
(no blood test required)
- Both parties must be in Bahamas when making application
for license.
Imagine your wedding on a tropical island in the mist
of beautiful hibiscus, bougainvillea, palm trees, white sand beaches, friendly
nationals and beautiful weather.
Further requirements:
- If either party is a minor under 18 years of
age, parental consent is required. Obtain forms from Register General's office
- If either party ever divorced, a certified (certified
documents must bear a raised seal from the court) or original final decree
must be produced
- If either party is widowed, the death certificate
of deceased spouse must be produced
- If any unmarried party is a resident of a country
other than the US, a declaration certifying to the unmarried status must be
sworn to before a Notary Public or other person authorized to administer oaths
in the country of residence. The wording of these affidavits is very particular
so it is wise to inquire prior to paying to have this affidavit prepared prior
to your arrival in the Bahamas. This may also be prepared by an attorney or
Notary Public in the Bahamas as well as many ministers will assist you in
preparing same. Price is $40.00 each.
- Photo ID issued from a government office from
country of residence must be produced
- Evidence of arrival in Bahamas must be produced;
the Bahamas Immigration embarkation card will do
- It is recommended that the couple get a Certified
copy of their marriage certificate from the Registrar Generals office before
they leave the island. This can be mailed if time is a problem but it takes
a while and lots of times has to be sent a few times in order for the couple
to actually receive it. This is what they need for the bride to change their
name and for other legal documents when they get home so it's better to get
a copy or two leaving the island. Cost for this is $20 per copy.
This has been provided as an over view and those
seriously interested in taking their vows in The Bahamas should make further
inquiry at the Register's Offices on the various islands. In Freeport, Grand
Bahama Island you may reach them at The Assistant Registrar General of The Bahamas,
P.O. Box F-42602, Freeport, Grand Bahamas, Bahamas. Telephone 242-352-4934/7
or Fax 242-352-4060. Please note that there are further requirements for couples
traveling from certain countries, such as Japan to wed in the Bahamas. Do be
sure and ask about all details.

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